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Respect Co-ordinator/Safeguarding Officer

Charlotte Bailey - Secretary


M:  07706509662


At the start of every game of football from grassroots leagues to the professional game, the referee stands beside two opposing teams, flips a coin and by the luck of heads or tails one team gets to kick off the game. It’s been done this way for decades and will continue to be done this way for decades too. It’s a tradition steeped in history and respect. Respect for the referee, the teams playing and the spectators. 


That’s why this coin deserves to be special. Nationwide are a proud partner of The FA and want you to help them to create the very first Mutual Respect Coin, to start every game with respect. 

Respect is defined in the dictionary as a feeling of deep appreciation for someone or something brought on by their abilities, qualities, or achievements and consideration for the feelings, wishes, or rights of others. But what does it mean to you?  Click here to enter now!

At Madeley White Star FC we all have an ongoing duty to ensure that the football we provide is done so, in a safe and positive environment, resulting in an enjoyable experience for everyone involved.  The FA’s Respect campaign aims to advise parents and coaches on their roles in creating a fun, safe and inclusive environment for everyone. Respect codes of conduct are in place to ensure that everyone involved within an FA Charter Standard club or league is playing their part to give the players a positive experience.

To help tackle the issue of abuse in society, 80% of people believe those in the public eye are responsible for setting a good example, in terms of being more respectful. Almost two-thirds (63%) of people believe footballers should set an example by showing respect. 

Watch how the difference between positive and negative coaching can have a massive impact on our players, the environment and the game

Creating the right environments for our players, both on and off the pitch is so important. Even though your role could be slightly different from someone else within your club or league, it’s important that we all play our part in creating a fun, safe and inclusive environment.

The Respect codes of conduct are in place to ensure that everyone involved within an FA Charter Standard club or league is playing their part to give the players a positive experience.  We have individual Respect codes of conduct for Young Players, Adult Players, Coaches, Team Managers and Club Officials, Spectators and Parents/Carers and Match officials.  

County Welfare Officer - Staffordshire FA 
Jan Scott - Designated Safeguarding Officer
P: 01785 256994, ext 205 / M: 07969294023

LADO Stafford first response: 0800 13 13 126 / Out of hours: 0345 604 2886

Stoke on Trent Safeguarding Referral Team: 01782 235100. Out of hours: 01782 234234

NSPCC Hotline: 0808 800 5000
Childline: 0800 11 11

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Young Players Code Of Conduct

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Spectators and Parents/Carers
Code of Conduct/Carers

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Adult Players Code of Conduct

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Match Officials
Code of Conduct

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Coaches, Team Managers and
Club Officials Code of Conduct

respect course for coaches.jfif

Free e-learning course 
Respect Course for Coaches


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